Visit your neighbors’ cities and send tour buses to their Go Karts Attractions for a chance to receive collection items from the Go Karts Collection in CityVille.

Reward: Popcorn Cart (decoration)

The only way to receive these collection items is by sending tour buses to your neighbors’ Go Karts Attractions in their city.

2ecbc38a5682be8f24b9f8150e94c3d1 Go Karts Collection 17df61d5ceab964596024e4f84e87380 Go Karts Collection 581bd81ce1731beb35638af122ec339a Go Karts Collection 10cfcab9b7cd083d1c8ed1d3ff656353 Go Karts Collection e24792ed85e0da6f5300396d8249ab48 Go Karts Collection 32c0233311b23518fba6928e19f67456 Go Karts Collection