If you're tired of simply collecting Zoning Permits from your friends in CityVille, and even the idea of purchasing bundles of Zoning Permits has become boring to you, then why not take a look at two new "Expansion Packs" that have been added to the game? These packs are limited-time-only objects, although we unfortunately don't have an exact time limit for their departure (typical). What we can tell you though, is that you'll gain plenty of Zoning Permits in each bundle, along with some "free" goodies.

Here's a complete look at both (warning: expensive prices ahead!):

Expansion Pack 1 - Costs: 150 City Cash
40 Zoning Permits
One Founder's Residence (300-650 population)
One Pastel Houses (700-1,000 population)

Expansion Pack 2 - Costs: 65 City Cash
20 Zoning Permits
One Celebrity House (600-850 population)

As you can see, the bonuses here aren't just "free" citizen boosts (keep in mind you are paying a premium for these packs, so these bonuses aren't exactly free), but they also contain limited edition items that were thought to be gone from the game forever. As one example, the Celebrity House was available in early July and then retired, while the Founder's Residence (or Founder's Building, as it is sometimes referred to) was available even earlier in June. Does that make these bundles worth a purchase? That will ultimately be up to you.

Think about it this way - what are these extra houses worth to you? Since you can ultimately collect all of those Zoning Permits for free from friends, these bonuses are all your City Cash investment goes towards anyway. If they're worth 150 and 65 City Cash, respectively, then go for it; just make sure you're comfortable spending that much money on some otherwise free items before you pull the proverbial trigger.