I’ve been around the block a few times. I remember when me, Rita ‘n Sam were the only folks in this City. Folks see me all the time and they never pay me any mind, but I see things and hear things too! Some people may think I’m crazy, or say I spend too much time lost in the woods, but I know a good idea when I hear one. Maybe you ought to just hear me out, and decide for yourself.

Send and request free gifts before you need them! You’ll always need zoning permits eventually, gather them early! If you see new goals that need new parts and you don’t need anything at the moment, it never hurts to send a few and get some back before you even start!

Did you know that you can rotate buildings? If you’re searching for that perfect look for your new neighborhood, never underestimate the power of rotation!

Make sure to supply your businesses before unloading a Cruise Ship! Be even MORE sure that you have enough energy left to unload one!

If you keep coming back to withered crops, pick the ones that will be ready the next time you play! You can play CityVille whenever you want, make sure that your time is spent reaping rewards instead of clearing the fields.

You can’t gain extra population from collecting rent unless your citizens are happy. When they are, you have a chance to gain additional population from every single house that you collect rent from.

 Paul’s Best Kept Secrets in CityVille