With the way Zynga's going, there won't be any more buildings to give nifty upgrades to in CityVille. The next building to get a boost is the Clerk's Office, and thankfully there's an interesting purpose to upgrading this time around.

When you reach Level 2 with this structure, you will be allowed to rename any of your Businesses at any time ... for free. Alright, so it's not huge, but it's still pretty dang cool, no? At any rate, on with the guide.

Once you reach Level 15 and have a Clerk's Office, clicking on the building should open the familiar upgrade window. This is where you'll need to enlist your friends' help in acquiring the following items:

3 Staplers
8 Ink Pads
3 Paper Weights
3 Pencil Sharpeners
8 Manila Folders

Of course, you're also open to send these gifts to your friends through this menu window, which might increase your chances of receiving these items in return. Once you finish finding these materials, your Clerk's Office will support 300 Population and allow you to rename Businesses at any time for zero cost.

In order to upgrade to a Level 3 Clerk's Office, you must collect the daily bonus from the Level 2 version of the building. The next level will require much of the same materials, likely in larger numbers, which you should already know how to get your hands on. The Level 3 Clerk's Office offers support for 400 Population, and features a fancy new design.

CityVille Clerk's Office Guide

CityVille Clerk's Office Menu